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Revision as of 17:36, 17 August 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Universal World Church wiki. This site is intended to be the ultimate repository of information regarding or related to the Universal World Church and its founder and pastors Rev. Dr. Orval Lee Jaggers and Dr. Miss Velma Jaggers.

There are 46 files--mostly images--in the media gallery and 19 pages about Rev. Dr. O. L. Jaggers, Dr. Miss Velma Jaggers, and the Universal World Church. More content is added daily. Use the search page or search tool above to research a specific topic. If you don't know where to start, try hitting the random button above, which will take you directly to a random page in the site.

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If you have video, audio, pictures or books of Dr. O. L. or Miss Velma Jaggers send them to us. Also this site does cost to maintain. Your generous monetary gift will ensure that this site remains a resource for years to come.

Consult the Getting Started page to learn how to participate in the wiki or the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

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